1953~ / Founding period

In April 1953 Okawa trade Ltd. established as special agent of Sumitomo Electric Industry Ltd. at Kitaku Osaka city. With the Korean War in 1950, there was a special demand in Japan but it generated back action and started protracted economic recession from 1952. We started business through heavy changing times.
1982~ / Transition period

We changed a company name to Okawa Electric Trade Ltd.
In Japanese economy was sudden transformation from high-speed growth to consistent and maturing growth we made an effort based on steady business consistently.
2015~ / At the moment
In April 2015 Hiroto Okawa assumed the position of president and CEO. Former president and CEO Takahiro Okawa assumed the position of Chairman.
In November Takahiro Okawa received The conferment of “Kyokujitu-sokosho” for his year’s of contribution to cable business.
We promise to be deserving of belief and professional company offering appropriate products,
reasonable price and first delivery, especially in case of urgency, we promise to give a contribution for customers who offer an advanced design, construction and distribution.